Shooter's World Participant Waiver
Participant Waiver: Shooter's World Phoenix - Shooter's World Peoria - Shooter's World Goodyear

Please do your part and read every line in this document. If you have questions or do not understand any portion, do not proceed, but instead consult with a team member immediately. Once you are completed, please proceed to the check-in desk.

Required Form of Identification
All participants ages 18 and over must have a valid government-issued identification. This includes a United States or foreign government-issued driver's license or identification card, passport, or passport card. Please consult with a team member if you have any other form of ID.

Safety is Everyone's Responsibility
Together, we are responsible for maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone on this range. If you witness a safety violation, please report it to a Shooter's World Team Member immediately. Our range safety officers also share this responsibility with you. They are trained professionals and you should always follow their guidance and advice. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of your time on our range.

Privacy Statement
Completing the following process files a legally binding waiver that is secured and accessed only by Shooter's World. Your information is not shared.

Firearm Rentals
All firearm renters must either be in possession of their own firearm or have more than one person in their party. No exceptions.

Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or have a notorized parental consent form.

Waiver Expiration Dates
Member waivers are valid for a full calendar year and expire on January 1.
Non-Member waivers are valid for no more than 3-months and expire at midnight on the start of each new quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1).

Please do not proceed unless you agree and understand the above.

Range Safety Rules

All shooters will abide by the five firearm safety rules at all times:
  • Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
  • Keep your gun pointed in a safe direction, downrange.
  • Never point your gun at anything you don't intend to shoot.
  • Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  • Be sure of your target and what is beyond.
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Common Violations

Please avoid these most common violations.

Incorrect Uncasing of Firearms

Do NOT uncase or unholster any firearm unless it is on the bench.

Correct Uncasing of Firearms

Uncase or unholster at the firing line/shooting bench. No exceptions. If your group is using multiple lanes, you must case firearms prior to moving them between lanes.

Incorrect Muzzle Direction

Do NOT point any firearm in any direction other than downrange and directly at the target or backstop. Do not point them upwards, downwards, towards a wall, or in the direction of yourself or anyone else. Only point your firearm(s) downrange and towards your target and/or the backstop.

Correct Muzzle Direction

Always point firearms downrange and towards your target or backstop. This includes when you are holding the firearm, loading a firearm, shooting a firearm, or resting it on a bench.

Incorrect Thumb Placement

Avoid crossing your thumbs at all times (excluding revolvers) to avoid the risk of serious injury.

Correct Thumb Placement

Both thumbs are inline with one another and alongside the frame of the firearm. If you are not familiar with proper thumb placement, consult with a Shooter's World Team Member.

Incorrect Movement of Firearms

This is referred to as "walking a firearm" and is not permitted. Firearms may never leave the bench unless unloaded and cased or holstered. Also, if your group is using multiple lanes, you must unload and case firearms prior to moving them between lanes.

Correct Movement of Firearms

Always unload and case or holster your firearm before moving it anywhere. This includes unpacking firearms upon arrival, packing up when leaving, or moving a firearm between lanes.

Missing Eye & Ear Protection

Proper eye and ear protection must be worn prior to entering the range and remain on at all times when on the range. Please see our eye and ear protection on "Page 4: More Rules" for specifics on what to wear.

Correct Eye & Ear Protection

Always wear proper eye and ear protection prior to entering the range and while on the range. Please see our eye and ear protection on "Page 4: More Rules" for specifics on what to wear.

No Food or Drink

Food and drink are prohibited from being on the range due to the risks of lead exposure.

No Tobacco, Vaping, Chewing Tobacco, or Gum

Any tobacco use, vaping devices, and chewing gum are prohibited from being on the range due to the risks of lead exposure. Seal and store all food and beverages before entering the range.

Avoid During Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Use of the range is not recommended during pregnancy or when breastfeeding. Range noise and the potential of lead exposure may be significantly toxic.

Wash Hands

Please always remember to wash your hands after each visit.

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General Range Rules

  1. No one under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or any controlled substance is allowed on the range.
  2. All customers 18 and over must present valid government issued ID. Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or have a notarized parental consent form (in addition to being added to this waiver).
  3. No one is allowed in front of the firing line.
  4. All rounds must impact the black rubber backstop. Always ensure your rounds are not impacting the floor, equipment, or the ceiling of the range.
  5. Drawing from the holster is prohibited.
  6. No rapid fire. You must control the firearm.
  7. Shell casings must be swept past the firing line. Do not throw brass away in trash cans. You may pick up your own brass, but do not retrieve brass in front of the firing line.
  8. No pistol grip only firearms are allowed on range. All rifle and shotgun caliber firearms must have a brace or a butstock and sights.
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Damage Agreement

The following ammunition is NOT allowed on the range due to the danger and damage it imposes:
  • Green tip/armor piercing rounds
  • Tracer rounds or incendiary rounds
  • Bird shot, game shot, etc. ONLY buck shot and slug are allowed.
Shooters are financially responsible for damage to carriers, lines, and all other property.
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Ear and Eye Protection Acknowledgement

Ear Protection: You should always wear ear protection rated for 28NRR or better when shooting at an indoor range. You may need to wear earplugs along with ear muffs to meet this requirement. Please check your ear protection rating and be sure it offers proper protection before entering the range.

Eye Protection: Safety glasses or prescription eyewear or equivalent is required.

Eye and ear protection must be worn prior to entering the range, at all times while on the range, and can only be removed once off the range.
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Rental Acknowledgment

When renting a firearm you must adhere to the following requirements:
  • Only ammo purchased at Shooter's World may be used in the rented firearm(s).
  • Immediately notify the range safety officer or other team member if you experience a jam or malfunction with the rented firearm(s). Prior to seeking assistance all firearms must be placed on the bench with the muzzle pointing downrange.
  • Do not dismantle, adjust or modify the rented firearm(s).
  • Do not make adjustments to the optics of the rented firearm(s).
  • Do not operate a firearm at Shooter's World if you or any other participant have not received proper instruction on how to safely load, cycle, fire, unload, and otherwise operate the rented firearm(s).
  • All rented firearms must be unloaded and cased, with the magazine removed and slide locked back before exiting the range and returning them to the range counter.
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Participant Government Issued Identification

U.S. Issued ID

If you have a form of identification from any country that is NOT the United States, please fill out the boxes below:

International/Foreign Issued ID

Participant Contact Information

Participant Address

Name, Address, & Age Certification

I certify that I am 18 years of age or older and the Participant information above reflects my legal name and current address as reflected on my Government Issued Identification.
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There are currently 0 minors

Add Minors

If there are minors under 18 years of age in your group of whom you are the parent or legal guardian, add each below.

Please note if you are NOT the parent or legal guardian of any child, that child's parent or legal guardian MUST be in attendance with you OR you must have a notarized parental consent form with you or on file at Shooter's World.

There are currently 0 minors


Participant's Signature

I read, understand, and agree to all the rules and requirements outlined within this legally binding contract.

Furthermore, I will not use or operate any firearm in a manner that might be construed as dangerous or hazardous to myself or any other person at the facility, including transporting, loading, unloading, casing, uncasing, holstering, or unholstering anywhere on the premises except on the firing line as outlined within this document.

I hereby agree to release and hold harmless Shooter's World, and all Shooter's World employees and agents from any and all liability for any damages or injury I may receive on the premises for any cause whatsoever. This agreement and waiver of liability shall apply to any action that might accrue to my heirs, representatives, and me. Further, I am fully aware of the personal danger inherent in being present on the range, and I agree to assume all risks thereof.
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